For my most memorable TV advertisement i chose the Money Supermarket ad, .
They have a series of these ads with all the same actors in, the one i'm using is the latest release in the series of adverts.
The target audience is for 11+
In the first advert they released the ad was the most complained advert of 2015 but the lastest advert has been highly praised.
You have three men having a dance off in the middle of a empty car park - a builder and 2 workmen.
While i researched this ad i found out the dancers have names, Colin, Dave and Gary. There aren't any celebrity endorsements in any of the Money Supermarket adverts, but they don't need them as it's become such a well known series of adverts everyone knows the guys from the money supermarket ads.
Ironically since the ad's have started Colin and Dave have become 'celebrities'. They have had TV interviews, got thousands of followers on twitter and have become over night sensations.
Fifth Harmonys smash hit 'Worth it' begins and when this advert came out they were top of the charts so everyone knew the song and they are a girl group who are all beautiful,stunning and can all dance very well so they might have used the song as you can dance well to it.
Once the music begins Dave comes out in a suit and tie with a pair on denim shorts and a pair of black stilettos begins to twerk and dance his way around the car park and then builder named Gary comes out with a typical builders out fit on and then he pulls out a scaffolding pole and begins to pole dance. After the builder has finished he carries on dancing and a well dressed man called Colin comes out and starts showing off some impressive moves. The whole advert is very dramatic as the three men are taking the dance off so seriously which in turn brings the comedy aspect to the advert.
It's effective as you always remember the man dancing in heels and these adverts are so different to other products on the market and you remember these it's funny as a man dancing in heels having a dance off with a builder and another business man isn't very common and breaks the stereo type of women dancing in heels.
It's an anti realist ad as it is set in the real world but it's not something that would happen everyday.
The whole advert is all very surreal as it isn't something that would happen in a car park on a normal day.
There aren't any celebrity endorsements in this ad, but ironically since the ad's have started Colin and Dave have become 'celebrities'. They have had TV interviews, got thousands of followers on twitter and have become over night sensations.
They use cold, industrial lighting for this ad, yet it's not dark. It's a well lit scene.
The tag line is 'You're so money supermarket' which is well known and everyone associates this tagline with them. They also mention about 'feeling epic' and thats how they make you feel after watching it and after watching the ad you do think that the whole advertisement is 'Epic'
The whole point of the ad is to create memory of the ad to the audience. The ad is well known and because of the popularity it's become very memorable.